Thursday, 26 April 2012


Read the entire post:

All the eight Warli bookmarks

Thursday, 12 April 2012


Sacred or secular, always simple straightforward and full of joy, Warli painting with its muted colours instantly appeals to art lovers.

Here is another multi-toned Warli piece with bright colours in the background to celebrate the summer!!

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Simplicity of Warli Art

Warli innocently reflects the Warli life and is very communicative and alive. The painting here depicts the binding between human beings and nature. The symbolic and imagistic Warli art can be perceived more by an expression of their way of life rather than an expression of emotion.

Daily leisure activities in a Warli settlement

Friday, 6 April 2012


The idea of sharing this post came to me when a friend of mine thought these beads were stones. I just thought that it would be really interesting to share this.
My father had bought these earrings for me an year back when he visited Nairobi, the capital of Kenya.

KENYA, the magical land of hot colours, fiery sunsets, ocean blues, sandy plains, pounding hooves and spotted shadows is the home of the original small and beautiful Kazuri beads and pottery.

KAZURI is the Swahili word for "small and beautiful". These handmade, hand-painted beads are the result of more than 33 years of experience. These beads are made from earthen clay, fired and hand-painted by Kenyan women. They reflect the true beauty of Africa.

Kazuri has been perfected to compete world-wide, to suit every fashion in every country and for every season.

Check out the beauty of Kazuri at:
Do let me know how you liked them :)